Sunday, November 20, 2016

WEEK 54: A Light Shines Through the Darkness

This past week it has probably been one of the busiest weeks on my mission! We've just had so many meetings, lessons, service, and everything. It's been really cool to see though at the beginning of the transfer we didn't have many investigators, people to visit, or anything. But now we know the area, have a full teaching pool and we're so busy every hour of the day! But Sister Howard finally got her iPad this week! So that has been nice during planning it doesn't take as long. This upcoming week looks like it's going to be pretty similar as far as business goes, but it will be great!

This week we don't even know how it happened but we found 11 new investigators! Mainly because we talked with all the members of the families that we're teaching, so that was pretty cool. We were able to contact the Alex, and Rubi again and we met the rest of their family! We talked with the mom and she said she's met with missionaries a lot before and they really helped her get through some hard times. So we are excited to keep teaching them! 

Something that really has effected us here in Mesa and especially the Spanish work is the fact that Donald Trump won the election. Before the election everyone was asking us who we're voting for and now everyone is complaining. We've heard a lot of sad stories about Hispanic kids getting bullied by other kids at school, and it all really shows that we're truly living in the last days. But on the bright side I think it's really going to be a great opportunity for everyone to strengthen their faith in the power the gospel really has. The gospel is really hung that will shine during these dark times. That is something my faith has really grown on that this week. There is so much power in the gospel and if anything can get us through this crazy time the gospel can! 

Our branch presidents daughter came home from her mission this week from the Salt Lake City South mission! So on Saturday we helped them decorate for her homecoming dinner and wow it looked like a wedding! I'll be sure to send pictures. But it's the last week of the transfer, but I think sister Howard and I will stay together since she's still in training. I will let you know! Love you all!

Hermana Brown

Zone pictures from ZTM!

Sorry the picture is blurry but they started testing the Christmas lights!

Homecoming of the branch president's daughter. Mexicans do not mess around.

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