So this week we had Mission Leadership Council (MLC) where all the leaders of the mission get together and we have trainings, look at the numbers from the previous month, and discuss with president what would be best for the mission. It was really cool to be with all these missionaries. They are all very inspired, and very good missionaries, so it was a little overwhelming but very motivating and up lifting. One of the trainings given was on inviting people to be baptized, and we really wanted to put that into action. So that same day we went to go visit a family we've been teaching it is so hard to get them to focus sometimes, and they have so many questions. However we taught about the restoration and the Plan of Salvation and The Spirit was really really strong we both felt it. The only thing was, as we were walking away from the house we realized we had so many opportunities to invite them to be baptized, but we didn't. And we felt really bad. So we repented and decided to go back another day and do a follow up visit with them, and at the end we extended the baptismal invitation and they accepted a date for February 4! It just showed me 1) the importance of inviting them to be baptized and 2) how merciful The Lord is. There's going to be many miracles this transfer, I can feel it!
Here is a look into Hermana Brown's thoughts recently. So I was thinking about home (I promise I'm not homesick or trunky I was just daydreaming and thinking about a lot of things) and how long it's been since I've called someone mom or dad, just because, well, my family isn't here. So I was thinking about the moment when I will finally be able to call my parents by name again and give them a hug. It's going to be such a happy time and good to see my family again. Then I was thinking about how the mission is an MTC for life, kind of a mini life, and I went on a deeper level of when we are going to see our heavenly parents again. They're going to be standing there with open arms at the doors of the celestial kingdom and saying "Welcome home!" With smiles and tears of joy. It just kind of made me smile and realize, the mission is so short, which means life is going to be so short as well, and that moment when we meet our heavenly parents is sooner than we think. It's just going to be such a happy time! Anyway, things are going really well here and I love mission life! Thank you so much for all the examples and love you have shown me. I appreciate it and I want to pay it all back to you, and more importantly to Jesus Christ, al though that debt is unpayable. But yeah! Hope you got something out of that. Love you all so much!
Hi I miss you so much